On the Road – Portland, Me. – Bar Harbor, Me.

We made Portland Me. on Thursday.

Portland Harbor Hotel.

The Portland Harbor area is upscale and touristy, but a nice place to be for restaurants and nightlife.

This blog is mostly about food, because we usually don’t have the energy to do much else than go out to dinner after we arrive at a destination. In Portland, we ate at Gilbert’s Chowder House. I sampled their super seafood chowder.

On leaving Portland, we took a driving tour of Congress Street, where my son Seamus used to live.

Portland Observatory on Congress Street

It’s three hours from Portland to Bar Harbor, mostly on back roads. There was quite a bit of traffic, thanks to Labor Day.

This morning we’ve got a boat ride around Acadia National Park.

On the Road Again – Annapolis, Md. & Kenilworth, NJ.

We started our day in Annapolis, Md. with. breakfast at Chick and Ruth’s Delly. You don’t generally get creamed chipped beef (aka SOS) on breakfast menus in NC, especially with a whole pile of breakfast potatoes to go with it.

I’m supposed to be watching my diet, but our trip next took us past one of my. all-time fave places, Jimmy Buff’s Italian Hotdogs.

We had a Jimmy Buff’s in Irvington N.J. where I grew. up, but it closed some years ago because it got robbed one too many times. But the store in Kenilworth is still open, and we just happened to go by at lunchtime, so…

After lunch, we were off to New Haven, Ct. and the world’s biggest parking lot, I-95. I did my blood sugar and decided that salad for supper was a great idea.

Tomorrow we’re off for Portland Me. and a healthy diet.

On the Road Again – Annapolis, Md.

We’re on the road to my son Seamus’s wedding in Bar Harbor, Me. Today we’re at the Graduate Hotel in Annapolis, Md, getting ready to go to breakfast before heading to New Haven, Ct. on the next leg of the trip.

Annapolis is a beautiful town, but way expensive. And it’s in Maryland, which is one of those states for which the 2nd Amendment does not exist, so sadly, I will not be back unless absolutely necessary.

Satisfied after a fine seafood dinner at the Boatyard Bar & Grill