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Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series is suffering the fate of too many long-running series. It’s becoming predictable. Of course, that may be exactly what Reacher’s fans want. In this installment, Reacher wars against the Albanian and Ukrainian mobs in an unnamed American city, to right wrongs done to an elderly couple who are fighting to save their daughter from cancer. Early on, Reacher finds a sweet young thing working in a bar to share his bed and adventures, and we’re off and running. Fine if you like that sort of thing. My biggest problem with the series these days is that all the suspense is gone. Reacher’s not only gonna win, there’s no one or nothing that’s even gonna challenge him. He just mows through the bad guys like they’re not even resisting. It’s pure catharsis, again, which may be exactly what Reacher’s fans want. Will I buy the next one? I swore after I read the last book that I wouldn’t, but guess what? At least I didn’t pay full price for it. Child’s still doing something right, but I wish he’d take a chance and change the formula.