The 1st Draft of Sister! is finished!

And Now the Fun Really Begins

The first draft of the seventh book in the Natalie McMasters Musteries series is finally finished. It came in at about 72,000 words. It’s easily the most complex Natalie McMasters tale I’ve ever written.

I’ve scheduled the launch of the Kindle edition for December 5, 2022, with the paperback to follow soon afterwards. Between now and then I’ve got to produce a second draft and an edited, finished copy.

As for my earlier books, I’ve hired RaBT Book Tours to handle publicity chores and run a five-week blog tour starting in January. I’ll publish the blog tour schedule here when I have it.

It’s still not too late to join the street team for Sister! and receive an advance review copy (ARC). If you join, you’re making a commitment to read the ARC and to post a review on Amazon during release week. If you want to join, let me know through the contact form on this website.